Michael C. Demulling, MCFI
Michael C. Demulling of New Richmond, WI, a 10-time Master and a SAFE member, recently renewed his Master CFI accreditation through the Master Instructors LLC MICEP program.
Mike has managed New Richmond Regional Airport for the past 25 years, serves as the chief pilot for East Metro Jet Center, and is a volunteer pilot for the Saint Croix County Sheriff’s Department.
Additionally, he operates Mike Demulling Flight Instruction where he specializes in primary, instrument, recurrent, and Aerostar flight and ground training.

Kyle Vincent Thomas, MCFI
Kyle Vincent Thomas of Durant, Oklahoma, has been designated Master Certificated Flight Instructor (MCFI) for the eighth time. Kyle is a Designated Pilot Examiner and Chief Flight Instructor and Associate Professor at Southeastern Oklahoma State University, where he has taught for 24 years, logging more than 4,000 hours as a flight instructor for private, commercial and instrument training.
Judy Phelps MCFI-Aerobatics

Judy Phelps of Santa Paula, California recently renewed her Master CFI-Aerobatic accreditation through the Master Instructor program and is now a 7-time Master. Judy, named National CFI of the Year in 2011, specializes in tailwheel, aerobatic and emergency maneuver
training with CP Aviation (http://CPAviation.com/) at California’s Santa Paula Airport (SZP). She is a member of the International Aerobatic Club and is a charter member of SAFE. Judy also serves as a FAASTeam representative in the FAA’s Van Nuys FSDO area.