Phil “Opie” Oppenheimer, MCFI-A
Phil “Opie” Oppenheimer, a 2-time Master as well as a member of SAFE, recently renewed his Master CFI-Aerobatic accreditation through the Master Instructors LLC.
A retired US Air Force squadron commander and F-16 instructor pilot, Opie is the chief pilot and director of flight operations as well as an instructor with Aviation Performance Solutions LLC at Phoenix-Mesa Gateway Airport (IWA). He specializes in upset prevention and recovery training while also serving as president and CEO of OP Aviation & Consulting LLC.

James Edward ‘Jim’ McCord, MCFI
James E McCord of Santa Rosa CA,, a 4-time Master Instructor rand SAFE member, renewed his Master CFI accreditation through the Master Instructors LLC on August 15.
A former volunteer Angel Flight pilot, Jim serves on the Sonoma County Aviation Commission and is a FAASTeam representative for the FAA’s Oakland FSDO area.
Additionally, he is an independent flight instructor with RAM Aviation at Santa Rosa’s Charles M Schulz – Sonoma County Airport (STS). He is also a certificated light sport aircraft repairman.