News Release

July 2020

Eric Shappee, MCFI Eric Shappee Professor of Aviation at Kansas State University Polytechnic has been designated a Master Flight Instructor for the eighth time. He has served in the past as the Director of Flight Operations and Acting Department Head for Aviation. Eric teaches numerous aviation courses, which include: Introduction to Aviation, Pilot Ground Schools, Aviation Safety, and Aviation […]

News Release

Master Instructors Launches New Website

We are excited to announce the launch of our new website. This site is designed to let all pilot’s know about the program, recognize the Master Instructor Community, and to provide a how to guide about the process for being recognized as a professional Aviation Educator. The Master Instructor Continuing Education Program has been the […]

News Release

June 2020

Donald Lee Hall, Jr., MCFI-A Donald Lee Hall Jr., Advanced Instructor Pilot and Director of Flight Operations at Aviation PerformanceSolutions, Mesa, AZ, has been designated a Master Flight Instructor – Aerobatic for the second time. A longtime U.S. Air Force Instructor, Hall currently provides Upset Prevention & Recovery Training (UPRT) to experienced pilots. He served […]

News Release

May 2020

Ian Billington, MCFI-Aerobatics Ian Billington a CFI based at Mesa, Arizona, has been designated a Master Instructor for the first time.Ian is an Advanced Instructor Pilot with Aviation Performance Solutions where he teaches all facets ofUpset Prevention and Recovery Training (UPRT) in the Extra 300L, providing training in both the simulator and in the classroom. […]