Hobart C. “Hobie” Tomlinson – 10 times MCFI, FAAST Lead Rep., & DPE CSIP, BPPP – ATP Rated – AMEL, AMES, ASEL & ASES Hobie Tomlinson is a retired airline Captain who was with TWA (35 years) and American Airlines (2 years) He spent 14 years in the airline training department, including a stint as […]
Category: Aviation Education Excellence
When Sandy and JoAnn Hill conceived the Master Instructor Continuing Education Program in 1995, which launched in 1997, they had no way of knowing that it would become the standard for measuring the professionalism and excellence of Aviation Educators everywhere that it has become. When Sandy passed away, last year, JoAnn doubled down on making […]
Master Instructors is pleased to announce the designation of Elaine Kauh of Janesville, Wisconsin as Master Flight Instructor for the sixth time. Elaine is a CFII with training specialties including Certificated Flight Instructors, tailwheel flying and advanced instrument flying. As an FAA Safety Team Lead Representative, she collaborates with other Wisconsin aviation educators to provide safety […]
Master Instructors is pleased to announce the designation of Capt. Edward J. Murphy of Palm Beach Gardens, Florida as a Master Certified Flight Instructor (Helicopter) for the Sixth time. He is currently employed with Era Helicopters, a member of Bristow group. His responsibilities include SK-92 & AS350 (H125) Flight Instructor/Check Airman responsibilities, he continues to […]