JoAnn Hill, Master Instructor Emeritus, Co-Founder Master Instructors
One day in 1995 I was contemplating how I was going to renew my FAA issued flight instructor certificate. Would I renew on activity, earn another rating, or sit through another FIRC (flight instructor revalidation course)? Since I was also a Colorado certified public school teacher, I was familiar with the renewal process for Colorado educators. In recent years, the process had changed from simply earning x number of additional college credits in five years to a much more appealing menu of experiential credits like traveling, learning a new language, volunteering, and professional development in addition to taking college classes. If a renewing educator could design an unique program to fit his/her individual desires, why couldn’t a CFI do the same?
Along with my husband and partner Sandy, I began working on a program for flight instructors based on activities that defined a professional. I came up with 5 categories of activity: Educator, Service to the Aviation Community, Creation of Educational Materials/Media, Continuing Education, and Participant in Aviation Events and Activities. The goal was to recognize the true professionals in flight instruction/education and provide an alternative means to CFI certificate renewal. The Master Instructor Program went live in 1997.
In 2002 the FAA granted CFI renewal with the Master Instructor designation. While more recently, changes within the FAA have made this no longer available. Now SAFE has been working with the FAA to reinstate certificate renewal for Master instructors.
During the past 25 years I have met the most amazing individuals who have devoted their lives to excellence in flight instruction. All have become friends and colleagues who wish to raise the bar of professionalism. I miss attending AirVenture and Sun’n Fun where I got to meet most of them in person. The master instructor program created a whole new community and network of resources. I am so excited that SAFE has taken the Master Instructor program under its wing; it is a perfect fit. I know more good things are coming in the next 25 years.