T. Michael Garrison, of Port Saint Lucie, Florida, earned his credentials as a Master Flight Instructor for the Tenth time. He has been providing flight instruction at all levels for 45 years and has given over 10,600 hours of instruction. His talents and contributions have been recognized with the Wright Brothers Master Pilot Award in 2009, the FAA Gold Seal Flight Instructor and as a Past Board Member of SAFE. This program recognizes those Flight Instructors that give back to the aviation community through excellent flight instruction with a goal to increase proficiency and safety and to reduce accidents and fatalities in the world of General Aviation. Those who have given back to aviation earn the privilege to be a Master Flight Instructor. Only a very small percentage of flight instructors have earned these credentials. Mike is a Lead representative for the Treasure Coast FAASTeam, an active member and past officer in the Quiet Birdmen, an FAA Designated Pilot Examiner, and a Cirrus Standard Instructor Pilot.

Master Instructors is pleased to announce the designation of Randall Brooks of Hurst, Texas as Master CFI-Aerobatic for the fourth time. Randall is an Advanced UPRT Instructor Pilot for Aviation Performance Solutions (APS), specializing in all-attitude flight instruction. This certification is a standard requirement for all APS instructors to ensure their continuing education and promote professionalism in the delivery of Upset Prevention and Recovery Training (UPRT) in the continuing effort to mitigate the threat of Loss of Control In-flight (LOC-I).

Master Instructors is pleased to announce the designation of Adam Boyd of Cabot, Arkansas a Master CFI for the first time. Adam has been involved in aviation since 1999, learning to fly at the age of 18 in Sanford, NC. He has served in the US Air Force as a Navigator and Pilot on C-130 Aircraft across the globe and continues to serve in the Arkansas Air National Guard as a C-130H Instructor Pilot. He is a member of the Civil Air Patrol and volunteers for Angel Flight South Central. As owner of Wildwood Aerospace LLC, he provides pilot services and advanced flight training in Central Arkansas. Adam and his wife Anna live in Cabot, AR, with their two children Walker and Olivia.