Master Instructors is pleased to announce that Judy Phelps of Santa Paula, California, has been designated a Master Instructor-Aerobatic for the 8th time. Judy Learned to fly at Santa Paula Airport, which is still home after 28 years. In 2001 she started flying tailwheel and aerobatics with Master Instructor-Aerobatic Rich Stowell at CP Aviation in Santa Paula. Eighteen months later she became a CFI and has since been teaching Tailwheel, Spins, Emergency Maneuver Training (EMT) and Basic Aerobatics. In 2011 Judy was the FAA 2011 National Flight Instructor of the Year. She is an active member of the International Organization of the Ninety- Nines and is a charter member of the Society of Aviation and Flight Educators (SAFE). Her career in aviation began in 1994 when she met and married Clay Phelps, the CP of CP Aviation. She has logged over 11,500 hours and recently became a FAA Designated Pilot Examiner.

Master Instructors is pleased to announce that Rochelle Oslick of Oxnard, California has been designated a Master CFI-Aerobatic for the Second time. Rochelle learned to fly at the Edwards AFB Flying Club while stationed there as a USAF Flight Test Engineer. She started flying tailwheel/aerobatic airplanes at Santa Paula Airport in 1988. Rochelle’s aerospace engineering career led her to work at Lockheed, Douglas Aircraft Company, and The Boeing Company, so she based her flying at several other airports in southern California and in western Washington. In 2003, Rochelle started flight instructing part-time, mostly in tailwheel and aerobatic airplanes, in the Seattle area. After retiring from Boeing, Rochelle returned to her favorite airport, KSZP, and is a CFI at CP Aviation.

Master Instructors is pleased to announce that Donald Lee Hall Jr. of Mesa, Arizona has, for the Third time, been awarded the prestigious designation of Master Instructor-Aerobatic. As the Mesa Director of Flight Operations for Aviation Performance Solutions (APS), Lee is an Upset Prevention and Recovery Training expert. In this role, Lee, along with the entire APS team, specializes in training pilots to overcome the top fatal threat across all aviation sectors: Loss of Control in Flight.

Master Instructors is pleased to announce that David St. George of Ithaca, New York has earned his 13th Master Flight Instructor accreditation from the original MCFI program (now 26 years old). David also serves the FAA as a Designated Pilot Examiner and is privileged to still fly as a jet charter captain. He is the current Executive Director of the Society of Aviation and Flight Educators (SAFE) and is the author of the popular “SAFE Toolkit” App.