Master Instructors and the Society of Aviation and Flight Educators are honored to recognize Sherry Rossiter, Ph.D. for her more than fifty-year passion and commitment to excellence as an Aviation Educator with the title of Honorary Master Aviation Educator.

This award recognizes her unsurpassed dedication to the role of women in aviation, as a helicopter and fixed wing instructor, her unbridled support for excellence and professionalism on the part of all flight instructors and pilots, and the uncounted hours she has given to helping people and organizations grow and realize heir full potential.
Sherry is a Founding and Lifetime Member of the Society of Aviation & Flight Educators (SAFE). In 2015, she was the recipient of the SAFE Founder’s Award for “selfless service” in support of the organization’s vision and mission. She served one term as a SAFE Board member from 2015-2016, in addition to having previously chaired the SAFE Membership Committee from 2013-2015 and the SAFE Governance Committee from 2010-2012.

For 10 years, Dr. Rossiter was an FAA designated sponsor/conductor of Flight Instructor Recertification Courses (FIRCs) nationwide. She also founded and operated two successful aviation businesses as well as worked as a flight and ground instructor, aviation journalist, and part time California Army National Guard helicopter pilot from 1978-1983.
As a pilot, her certificates and ratings include Airline Transport Pilot (airplane and helicopter) Flight Instructor and Instrument Instructor (airplane and helicopter), and Ground Instructor (basic, advanced, and instrument).
In 1998, Dr. Rossiter was recognized with the Silver Wings Award by Woman Pilot Magazine not only for her positive contributions to women in aviation, but also for her development of a critical incident debriefing model to be used with general aviation pilots in the aftermath of an aviation accident or critical incident. That same year, the Wolf Aviation Fund gave her a $1,500 grant to launch the CIDGAP website, begin printing the CIDGAP training manual, and establish a toll-free number for general aviation pilots to call for debriefing information.

Sherry has shared her story in a book, Flying Lessons One~Woman’s Story, that she first published in 2009, with the second edition now available at the this link. It is an inside look at someone who has unselfishly shared her passion for aviation and helping others.
Sherry has been flying privately and professionally for more than 40 years and is now a retired Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor residing in Missoula, Montana. As a mental health professional, her areas of special expertise included posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), trauma recovery, anxiety, depression, and personal empowerment.
Dr. Rossiter’s academic credentials include a doctorate in psychology from California Coast University and a master’s degree in counseling from The College of Idaho. She is recognized as a Board Certified Expert in Traumatic Stress by the American Academy of Experts in Traumatic Stress (AAETS), and she is a current member of the International Critical Incident Stress Foundation (ICISF) and the American Psychotherapy Association (APA).

Dr. Rossiter has presented informational seminars as well as CIDGAP Debriefer training workshops for a variety of civil and governmental organizations including the U.S. Forest Service. She has presented the CIDGAP concept to pilot of all types at EAA’s AirVenture in Oshkosh on two different occasions.
The CIDGAP Debriefing Model was first conceived in 1990, when Dr. Rossiter was completing her dissertation. Since then, the model has continued to be refined as new information about trauma and trauma recovery has become available.
Master Instructors will honor Sherry at a gathering in Missoula, MT, which will include a book signing of Flying Lesson’s One Woman’s Story at the Missoula airport on June 22, 2024.