Master Instructors is pleased to announce that Michael Traud, based in Sacramento California, has earned his Ninth Master CFI designation. Mike, a member of the Society of Aviation and Flight Educators, provides initial and recurrent training to owners/operators of technically advanced piston and turbine aircraft. He also mentors newly certificated flight instructors and is an FAA Designated Pilot Examiner who serves on the Master Instructor Board of Review. He has participated in the Reno National Championship Air Races the past 13 years as a Pylon Judge and has attended the event the past 42 years. Mike is a member of Sacramento County Sheriff’s Air Squadron and owns a 1971 Cessna 150 which he flies for both work and pleasure. Mike’s home base of operations is the Sacramento Mather Airport (KMHR) in addition to conducting work at several Northern California airports.

Master Instructors is pleased to welcome a new member to the Master Instructor Community. Stephen Fiegel of Hooksett, NH has been designated a Master Instructor-Aerobatics. Stephen is a Certified Flight Instructor with a Bachelor of Science in Aviation Management from Daniel Webster College. Stephen draws on a diverse range of flight experience to help his clients achieve their goals with a specialty of providing aerobatic & warbird instruction. A pilot since age 16, his flying has included gliders, helicopters, towing banners, and aerobatic competition. He has more than 15 years of aerobatic experience and through his company, Keystone Aerosports, provides UPRT, aerobatic and spin training. Stephen regularly volunteers with the WINGS program, International Aerobatic Club Chapter 35 in New England and participates in many of the chapter events. Since 2015, he has been actively involved in the airshow industry, fulfilling various roles, including: team coordinator, narrator, media pilot, and ferry pilot, while working closely alongside airshow notables such as Rob Holland, Mike Goulian, Kevin Coleman and Sean D. Tucker. Stephen continues to work to share his own passion, work ethic, and dedication to others in the aviation industry.