Michael E “Slug” Bugg of Mesa AZ, a first-time Master as well as a member of SAFE, earned his Master CFI-Aerobatic accreditation September 10 through the Master Instructors LLC.
A graduate of the United States Air Force Academy and a former C-17 aircraft commander, Mike served for more than a decade as a US Air Force officer and pilot instructor training evaluator.
Currently, he is an advanced instructor pilot with Aviation Performance Solutions LLC at Phoenix-Mesa Gateway Airport (IWA) where he specializes in upset prevention and recovery training (UPRT) that caters to already certificated and experienced aviators.

George P Felix of Maple Grove MN, a two-time Master and SAFE member, on September 15 renewed his Master CFI accreditation through the Master Instructors, LLC.
George serves as a volunteer Angel Flight Central Mission Pilot as well as a FAASTeam representative for the Minneapolis FSDO.
Additionally, he owns and operates Felix Flight Services at Crystal Airport (MIC) and several others where he specializes in primary and advanced flight training.

Donald E Kaye of Santa Clara CA, a nine-time Master and SAFE member, recently renewed his Master CFI accreditation September 20 through the Master Instructors, LLC.
Don is an independent San Francisco Bay area flight and ground instructor as well as a Mooney Safety Foundation (MAPA) instructor specializing in avionics, instrument, recurrency, and complex aircraft training.
A recipient of the FAA’s Wright Brothers Master Pilot award, he also serves as a FAASTeam representative for the FAA’s San Jose FSDO area.

Emmanuel A Remy, a first-time Master as well as a member of SAFE, earned his Master CFI-Aerobatic accreditation through the Master Instructors, LLC on September 18.
A former Comair Delta Connection first officer, Emmanuel is an instructor pilot with Aviation Performance Solutions LLC at Phoenix-Mesa Gateway Airport (IWA), where he specializes in upset prevention and recovery training (UPRT) that caters to already certificated and experienced aviators.
Additionally, he is a certificated airframe and powerplant maintenance technician.

Todd Underwood of Prescott AZ, a SAFE member and 5-time Master Instructor renewed his Master CFI accreditation through Master Instructors, LLC on September 5.
He instructs with Wright Aviation and Jet Weight at Deer Valley Airport (DVT) and other venues where he specializes in initial and recurrent turbo-prop and turbo-jet training.
He also serves as a volunteer pilot for Angel Flight and Flights for Life and serves as a designated pilot examiner (DPE) as well as a FAASTeam representative for the FAA’s Scottsdale FSDO.