Norm Dequier is the first Canadian Snowbird airshow pilot to receive accreditation as a Master Certified Instructor-Aerobatics. This is his first accreditation. He is an Advanced Instructor Pilot with Aviation Performance Solutions where he teaches all facets of Upset Prevention and Recovery Training (UPRT) in the Extra 300L, in the simulator and in the classroom. He learned to fly with the Royal Canadian Air Force and acquired thousands of hours in the CT-114, CT-156 and T-33 as an instructor and airshow performer with the Canadian Snowbirds. He then spent 15 years in Saudi Arabia instructing on the PC-9. Norm resides in Arizona with his wife Rhonda, their granddaughters Emma and Alyssa and their grandsons Izayah, Elyjah and Jonah.

Master Instructors is pleased to announce the designation of Donald Kaye of Santa Clara, CA as a Master CFI for the tenth time. Don is a full-time instructor providing a diverse portfolio of training in a variety of aircraft, with specialities including training in all models of Mooneys. A multi-engine instructor and ATP with a Citation CE-525S type rating, Don has more than 11,600 hours of total GA time, of which 6,600 hours have been devoted to teaching. He is also a Gold Seal Flight Instructor and recipient of the prestigiousWright Brothers Master Pilot Award.

Ken Wittekiend has just received his eighth designation as a Master CFI. He is a professional instrument flight instructor, aircraft owner and founder of ProMark Aviation Services, a full service flight training company based in Burnet, Texas. He specializes in tailwheel, floatplane and Beech Bonanza training. Ken is also an avid back country pilot. In 2020, he flew his Cessna 182 Amphibious Floatplane from Texas to Alaska.
Ken serves as a FAASTeam representative for the Federal Aviation Administration. In 2009 and again in 2015, Ken was selected as the Certificated Flight Instructor of the Year for the FAA Southwest Region. Ken is a charter member of the Society of Aviation and Flight Educators and formerly served on the SAFE Board of Directors. He is a Designated Pilot Examiner for the San Antonio Flight Standards District Office and has administered over 2500 practical tests.