Rich Stowell 2006 CFI of the Year, 2014 FAASTeam Rep of the Year, 10 Time Master (Emeritus)
In a system where the flight instructor certificate too often is a means to another end, the Master Instructor Continuing Education Program is a beacon for those dedicated to raising the bar in aviation education.
Earning and maintaining a Master Instructor designation is a tremendous accomplishment. Yet the designation does not mean the person has become all-knowing. Rather, the designation identifies aviation educators who have a beginner’s mind. Educators who are always learning, always evolving. Those who seek to improve for the benefit of their students. For Master Instructors, teaching is not a pass-through, but a passion.
The program certainly accelerated my growth as a pilot and instructor. It introduced me to a wonderful community of similarly engaged educators. And the challenge and discipline designed into the program paved the way for receiving the prestigious National Flight Instructor of the Year and National FAASTeam Rep of the Year awards in 2006 and 2014, respectively.
Program founders JoAnn and Sandy Hill saw the need for a continuing education program. MICEP was the result. More than that, the Hills advocated for us—encouraging us, befriending us, valuing us. Led now by a capable team of Masters, the tradition of promoting excellence in aviation education continues.
I’m proud to be part of the Master Instructor Continuing Education Program. Congratulations on 25 years of service to professional aviation educators!